
Acting to protect the environment

At Glion, we practice what we teach in sustainability by undertaking tangible actions to diminish our environmental footprint across all campuses. We target areas where we can make the most impact, such as reducing energy consumption and waste, optimizing water usage, and sourcing food and beverages from local and sustainably managed outlets.

From promoting sustainable transportation to combatting food waste, we make conscientious choices throughout our daily operations to prioritize environmental protection. These actions are supported by impact assessments and data analysis, ensuring accurate measurement of our progress.


What we do to protect our environment:

Reducing energy consumption – water, heating and electricity

• Water savers have been installed on all campus taps and showerheads in student accommodation, and push shower buttons continue to be installed as part of our initiative to reduce yearly water consumption by 10% per year until 2026.

• By carefully controlling indoor temperatures, we are committed to reducing our use of heating by 5% per year until 2026.

• Our Living Plus renovation project is set to enhance the isolation properties of buildings on our Swiss campuses. In Bulle, our low-energy-consumption buildings have qualified for Minergie and Green Label certification.

• When not in use, all electrical equipment is turned off, rather than left in standby mode.

• Energy-efficient devices have been chosen wherever possible, including transitioning to LED lighting.

Reducing non-hazardous waste and food waste

• Through targeted actions, we are committed to achieving a 10% reduction in our generation of non-hazardous waste by 2026. In addition, we aim to reduce our food waste annually by 10%.

• We work with our suppliers to curb the use of cardboard and plastic packaging.

• Our service team encourages clients to bring their own re-usable porcelain cups as a more sustainable alternative to single-use coffee cups.

• We offer a 10% discount on food items near their consume-by date to combat food waste.

Sustainability awareness, traceability and accountability

• From cleaning products to food, in our supply chain we privilege the purchasing of environmentally sustainable and local goods. We source our meat from Switzerland and Europe, and 80% of our food products were locally sourced in 2023.

• Our operations with suppliers have been optimized to reduce the frequency of deliveries and cut down on transport emissions.

• Our staff and students have implemented an action plan to raise sustainability awareness among our entire community. Through the Glion Green Committee, our students spearhead ongoing projects to lessen our environmental impact and bring attention to sustainability issues.

• Sustainability is built into our governance structure, with annual Social Responsibility reporting to measure our carbon footprint and track our progress, and Social Responsibility Champions to initiate and promote sustainable practices among our employees.