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How to become a hospitality consultant
How to become a hospitality consultant

How to become a hospitality consultant

Have you ever wanted to help lead hotels, resorts and other hospitality venues to success? With the hospitality industry growing at 5.8% per year and top consultants earning over $200,000 annually, it’s no wonder people consider this kind of role. Embarking on a career as a hospitality consultant opens doors to a rewarding profession where expertise meets innovation.

In this article, we’ll look at how to become a hospitality consultant, offering insights, tips and actionable steps to guide you. From understanding the role and responsibilities to acquiring the necessary skills and building a successful consultancy, we’ll help you navigate the path to becoming a hospitality consultant.

What is a hospitality consultant?

Offering expert advice, strategic insights and innovative solutions to businesses in the sector, a hospitality consultant serves as a trusted advisor, guiding clients through challenges, identifying opportunities for improvement and helping them achieve their business objectives. They can either work through hospitality consulting firms or independently as freelancers. The former offers more stability while being an independent hospitality consultant gives more freedom to pick which jobs to accept.

Hospitality consultants work with a diverse range of clients, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, event venues, tourism boards and hospitality management companies. They may specialize in various areas of the industry, such as operations management, revenue optimization, marketing and branding, guest experience, sustainability initiatives or producing feasibility studies for new ventures.

A hospitality consultant’s responsibilities can cover all aspects of hotel operations, including:

  • Conducting assessments and audits: hospitality consultants review the current operations, performance and market position of their clients to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement
  • Developing strategic plans: based on their assessments, hospitality consultants devise strategy recommendations tailored to the client’s goals and objectives. These plans may include financial consulting, improving guest satisfaction, improving brand visibility or entering new markets
  • Implementing solutions: working closely with clients to oversee the recommended strategies and solutions effectively. This may involve providing training and development programs for staff, implementing new technology systems or restructuring operations for greater efficiency
  • Monitoring and evaluation: checking the success and outcomes of their recommendations, tracking key performance indicators and adjusting strategies as needed. Consultants provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure their clients’ success

Degrees for hospitality consultancy

One of the best ways of starting your journey towards becoming a hospitality consultant is by earning a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management or a related field. These provide a comprehensive understanding of the hospitality industry, covering topics such as hotel management, tourism, event planning, food and beverage management and hospitality marketing. Programs often include hands-on experiences, internships and practical training opportunities to help students develop real-world skills and industry knowledge.

A bachelor’s degree in hospitality management equips students with the essential skills and competencies needed to succeed in hospitality consulting. These may include leadership, communication, problem solving, financial management and strategic planning skills. Additionally, students gain insights into industry trends, consumer behavior and best practices, which are all invaluable for a career in hospitality consulting.

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Bachelor’s of hospitality management

Gaining relevant experience

Having a spell in the industry under your belt is vital if a hospitality consultant is to help businesses effectively. Entry-level positions provide valuable insights into the inner workings of hotels, resorts, restaurants and other hospitality establishments, laying the groundwork for a successful career in consulting. Plus, these roles are often open to everyone. Some entry-level positions that can be particularly beneficial for aspiring hospitality consultants include front desk agent, guest service representative, event coordinator or food and beverage server. These roles offer opportunities to interact directly with guests, gain operational experience and develop essential skills in customer service, communication and problem solving.

Climbing the ladder: mid-level roles and their importance

As professionals gain experience and expertise in the hospitality sector, they may progress to mid-level roles that offer greater responsibilities and opportunities for leadership. Positions such as assistant manager, department supervisor or operations coordinator provide experience of managing teams, overseeing departmental operations and implementing strategic initiatives. These roles allow individuals to further develop their leadership, management and decision-making skills, preparing them for future roles in hospitality consulting.


Students and recent graduates can gain hands-on experience in hospitality settings, apply classroom knowledge to real-world situations and build professional networks within the industry through internships. These may be available in various areas of hospitality, including hotel management, event planning, marketing and operations. They are one of the best ways of gaining insights into the day-to-day operations of hospitality businesses, boosting practical skills and increasing employability in the competitive field of hospitality consulting. Internships taken as part of a degree will often have students gaining experience in higher-level roles such as supervisory or management positions.

Building your skillset

Becoming a successful hospitality consultant requires a wide range of skills, encompassing both industry-specific expertise and broader consulting aptitudes. Key areas to focus on when building your skillset are:

  • Industry knowledge: stay informed about industry trends, emerging technologies and best practices. Keep abreast of changes in consumer preferences, market dynamics and regulatory requirements to provide relevant and effective consulting
  • Analytical skills: develop the ability to analyze data, interpret trends and draw actionable insights for your clients. Use tools and techniques such as market research and financial analysis to identify opportunities, mitigate risks and make informed recommendations
  • Strategic thinking: vital to help develop long-term plans and solutions that align with your clients’ business goals and objectives. Consider factors such as market positioning and the competitive landscape when developing strategic recommendations for your clients
  • Communication skills: needed to effectively convey complex ideas and recommendations to clients, stakeholders and team members. Develop strong written and verbal communication skills, active listening abilities and the capacity to tailor your communication style to different audiences
  • Problem-solving abilities: address challenges and overcome obstacles. Develop a systematic approach to problem solving, using techniques such as root cause analysis, brainstorming and collaboration to develop innovative solutions
  • Project management: develop proficiency in project planning, resource allocation, risk management and stakeholder engagement to ensure successful project outcomes
  • Client relationship management: build strong relationships with clients based on trust, transparency and integrity. Develop interpersonal skills to understand clients’ needs, build rapport and manage expectations effectively

Adaptability and flexibility: needed to thrive in a fast-paced and ever-changing consulting environment. Embrace new challenges, remain open to feedback and continuously seek opportunities for learning and growth

Finding work and growing your reputation

Securing your first clients as a hospitality consultant is a big step towards establishing your reputation and developing your business. Some strategies to help you land your first clients are:

  • Tap into your network: begin by reaching out to your existing contacts in the hospitality industry. This includes former colleagues, mentors, classmates and industry professionals. Let them know about your consulting services and ask if they or anyone they know could benefit from your expertise
  • Offer personalized services: if you are not yet sure what type of services to provide, you can offer a wide range of options to suit your clients. This can help you build credibility, gain valuable experience and showcase your capabilities
  • Try online platforms and social media: use websites such as LinkedIn to showcase your proven track record, share industry insights and connect with potential clients. Positive engagement and interactions on social media can help attract clients and improve your reputation within the industry

Networking, marketing and leveraging social proof to grow your business

As you land your first clients and begin to establish your reputation as a hospitality consultant, make sure you network effectively to attract more attention:

  • Cultivate relationships: attend industry events, participate in networking groups and stay engaged with your contacts to remain on their minds and generate referrals for new business opportunities
  • Invest in marketing: develop a comprehensive strategy to promote your consulting services and attract clients. This may include creating a professional website, developing targeted marketing materials and using digital marketing channels such as email marketing, content creation and search engine optimization
  • Portfolio: highlight your successes and client testimonials to demonstrate the value you bring as a hospitality consultant. Feature case studies, client testimonials and success stories on your website, social media profiles and marketing materials


Becoming a successful hospitality consultant requires dedication, perseverance and strategic planning. Each stage of the journey presents unique challenges and opportunities, from honing industry expertise and building a robust skillset to securing your first clients and growing your reputation. As you start on your path to becoming a hospitality consultant, remember that success is not defined by overnight victories but by consistent effort, continuous learning and a commitment to delivering value to your clients. Stay adaptable, embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and remain steadfast in your pursuit of excellence.

With determination, resilience and a passion for hospitality excellence, you can carve out a rewarding career as a hospitality consultant, helping businesses thrive in an ever-evolving industry. If you want to offer hospitality consultancy services, a great place to start is with a hospitality degree from a world-renowned school such as Glion.

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