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How hospitality real estate and blockchain can work together
How hospitality real estate and blockchain can work together

How hospitality real estate and blockchain can work together

As the global real estate market is projected to grow by 5.2% by 2030, blockchain technology is poised to play a key role in this expansion. Blockchain provides a decentralized and secure way to record transactions, ensuring transparency and trust throughout the entire process.

Imagine you’re renting out a vacation home. Traditionally, you’d need a broker to handle listings, contracts and payments, which can be time-consuming and costly.

With blockchain, every transaction (such as payments and contract exchanges) is securely recorded on a digital ledger that everyone involved can see. This means you can trust the records are accurate and tamper-proof, eliminating the need for a broker.

The trust built into the system simplifies the process, reduces costs and speeds everything up. For example, if a guest books your vacation home, a smart contract can automatically handle the payment and update the booking, making the entire transaction smooth and efficient.

In this article, we will explore the relationship between hospitality real estate and blockchain, looking at how this technology fuels growth in the sector. We will also discuss how to enter this industry and the skills needed for success.

What is blockchain?

It is a decentralized digital ledger technology that records transactions across a network of computers. Each transaction is stored in a block, linked together to form a chain. This encrypted chain delivers security and transparency, enabling peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries. Blockchain reduces costs and improves efficiency in various industries, including finance, supply chain and healthcare, by offering a impenetrable system where information can be verified by all participants.

How do hospitality real estate and blockchain work together?

Property professionals use this technology to streamline transactions and improve transparency in the management of their assets. Blockchain ensures property records, bookings and financial transactions are securely recorded and shared across a distributed network, eliminating the need for intermediaries such as brokers or agents. Smart contracts that automate rental payments or fees can be stored on the blockchain, reducing administrative costs and minimizing disputes.

Blockchain technology also enables fractional ownership, allowing investors to digitally own a portion of a property, opening new avenues for real estate investment. Ultimately, blockchain improves efficiency, flexibility and trust in hospitality real estate operations.

Examples of blockchain integration in hospitality real estate

While the technology is still relatively new, several instances demonstrate its application in these types of settings:

  • Cryptocurrency payments: hotels such as The Kessler Collection accept Bitcoin for room bookings, providing guests with an alternative way to pay that aligns with modern digital currencies, making it easier for real estate investors to recoup their purchase price
  • Transparent transactions: platforms such as Propy use blockchain to facilitate secure real estate deals, ensuring property ownership records are verifiable and reducing fraud risk
  • Tokenization of assets: projects such as Harbor’s tokenization of the St. Regis Aspen Resort allow investors to buy tokens representing ownership in luxury properties, simplifying real estate investments
  • Smart contracts: enable hotels to automate several processes using blockchain, including:
  • Room bookings: smart contracts automatically handle payments, update availability and send confirmations. This reduces manual work and prevents double bookings by recording all transactions securely on the blockchain
  • Loyalty programs: smart contracts award and redeem points automatically, with all transactions securely recorded on the blockchain. This ensures points are tracked accurately and can be redeemed seamlessly
  • Maintenance requests: when issues are reported, smart contracts log and assign tasks automatically, tracking their completion. This ensures maintenance tasks are handled efficiently and transparently, with all actions recorded on the blockchain
  • Guest identity management: blockchain-based solutions such as Winding Tree enable secure and decentralized visitor profiles, ensuring transparent and reliable data storage and improving booking experiences
  • Supply chain management: some hotels use blockchain to track and verify the origin of products such as food and linens, ensuring sustainability and quality
  • Customer reviews: blockchain platforms such as REV authenticate guest feedback, strengthening credibility and transparency
  • Guest loyalty programs: blockchain-based programs, such as those used by The Shilla Seoul in South Korea, offer guests more flexibility and transparency in managing points across partner networks, improving customer satisfaction and retention
Source: Getty sasha85ru

Benefits of using blockchain in hospitality real estate

This innovative technology brings numerous advantages to the sector, improving efficiency, security and sustainability in various ways:

  • Innovation: blockchain offers new, efficient and transparent methods that improve traditional practices
  • Streamlined transactions: it simplifies and speeds up payments, improving transparency and reducing fraud
  • Fractional ownership: enables digital purchase of property portions, opening new investment opportunities
  • Automated processes: smart contracts automate tasks such as payments and bookings, reducing manual work
  • Secure transactions: decentralized ledgers provide immutable and trusted records
  • Interdisciplinary integration: enables the seamless inter-operation of finance, law and technology, improving overall operations
  • Sustainability: promotes efficient resource management and transparency, supporting sustainable practices
  • Adaptability and resilience: helps professionals stay agile and innovative, supporting growth and efficiency in a changing market

The different career paths in blockchain and hospitality real estate

The further integration of advanced technology in the property sector has created many opportunities for professionals. Below are some of the key roles involved, which illustrate the breadth of opportunities in this growing field.

Smart contract developer

Responsible for creating and maintaining self-executing contracts on decentralized platforms. These professionals ensure terms and payment details are coded accurately to automate transactions securely and efficiently. Smart contract developers are usually employed by tech firms, startups or consultancies specializing in digital transactions.

Property tokenization specialist

Experts in this area focus on converting property assets into digital tokens. They collaborate with legal, financial and technical teams to facilitate investment opportunities. Companies involved in financial technology or property investment platforms often hire property token specialists.

Data security analyst

Tasked with safeguarding transaction records and personal data from cyber threats. The role involves continuous monitoring, risk assessment and implementation of security measures. Data security analysts usually work in large hotel chains, property management companies or specialized security firms.

Supply chain coordinator

Manages the tracking and verifying of goods and services using advanced ledgers to ensure transparency and sustainability, particularly in food and linen supply. Supply chain coordinator roles are common in hotel groups or sustainable suppliers.

Customer experience manager

Uses decentralized technology to improve guest interactions and provide tailored services. This involves securely managing guest data and implementing personalized experiences based on preferences. Opportunities as a customer experience manager are most common in high-end resorts and innovative accommodation providers.

Digital currency payment specialist

Focuses on integrating and managing systems that accept digital currencies to facilitate seamless and secure guest transactions. You will see positions available in innovative hotels and with financial service providers.

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Essential skills for careers in blockchain and hospitality real estate

Successfully integrating this advanced technology in the property sector requires professionals to blend knowledge with industry-specific insights. Key competencies needed to excel in this rapidly evolving field include:

  • Technical proficiency: understanding decentralized technology and cryptographic principles, including coding languages for smart contracts and distributed ledger systems
  • Analytical thinking: the ability to assess complex problems and data sets. This involves interpreting transaction records, analyzing risks and optimizing processes. This skill is particularly important for roles in data security, investment analysis and operational efficiency
  • Regulatory knowledge: awareness of legal frameworks governing digital transactions and property management. Professionals must navigate compliance issues and adhere to local and international laws. This knowledge is essential for roles in tokenization and smart contract development
  • Communication: in blockchain and related fields, there is frequently a need to explain technical concepts to stakeholders. This includes writing reports, presenting findings and collaborating across diverse teams. Strong communicators are needed in roles involving client interaction and team coordination
  • Project management: organizational skills that include setting timelines, allocating resources efficiently and meeting goals are essential. Being able to manage projects effectively using new technologies is a must for those overseeing development projects.

How can a hospitality school prepare you for a blockchain and hospitality real estate career?

Advanced educational institutions that specialize in the property sector and hospitality can offer the perfect platform for professional development. One of the best places to start is with hospitality degrees that blend theoretical knowledge and the practical skills essential for the industry, including awareness of new technology such as blockchain.

Below are key ways these programs equip you for a successful future in this exciting field:

  • Comprehensive curriculum: courses cover a wide range of topics, including digital ledgers, smart contracts and property management. This broad approach ensures you understand the technological and business aspects of the industry. The best schools update their curricula to include the latest industry trends and innovations
  • Practical experience: hospitality internships and hands-on projects offer students the opportunity to practice what they learn in classrooms in a real-world setting. Working with industry partners, interns apply theoretical knowledge to actual scenarios, which helps them understand the complexities of integrating technology into property management
  • Industry networking: programs typically facilitate connections with industry professionals through guest lectures, seminars and networking events. These interactions provide insights into the latest developments and career opportunities and help build students’ professional networks, invaluable for future job prospects
  • Technical training: some courses offer specialized modules in coding, data analysis and cybersecurity, which prepare students for the ever-increasing technical demands of the industry. Understanding these areas is crucial for roles in technology development and security
  • Business skills: learning about financial management, marketing and operations is integral to understanding the industry’s commercial side. These skills help in managing projects and making strategic decisions
  • Soft skills development: emphasis on communication, teamwork and problem solving prepares students for collaborative work environments. These soft skills are essential for interacting with diverse teams and stakeholders. A good program will include group projects and presentations to develop these abilities in students


The integration of blockchain technology and hospitality real estate presents aspiring professionals with compelling opportunities for innovation and growth. Blockchain’s ability to improve transaction transparency and security has already begun reshaping the sector, paving the way for more efficient and reliable property transactions.

As the global real estate market expands, integrating blockchain promises to streamline operations and mitigate fraud risks, benefiting industry stakeholders and consumers.

For those considering career paths in hospitality, gaining a comprehensive education that blends technical proficiency with business acumen is essential.

Hospitality schools play a pivotal role in preparing future professionals by offering a robust curriculum, practical experience through internships, valuable industry networking opportunities and specialized technical training.

A degree from a hospitality school will equip you with the skills and insights you need to tackle the industry’s challenges and capitalize on the opportunities presented by blockchain technology in hospitality real estate.

Photo Credits:
Main Image: Getty jiande wu

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