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What you need to know to become a guest experience manager
What you need to know to become a guest experience manager

What you need to know to become a guest experience manager

In the hospitality industry, the role of a guest experience manager is pivotal to ensuring guests enjoy memorable stays. Their importance is shown by the fact 73% of businesses with an above-average customer satisfaction score do better than their competitors.

This position involves overseeing all aspects of the guest experience, from the moment of booking to departure, ensuring every interaction meets the highest standards of service and satisfaction. If you want to become a guest experience manager, it’s vital to know what exactly to expect. This article provides a comprehensive guide on what you need to know to excel in this dynamic and rewarding role, offering insights into the qualifications, expertise and personal qualities needed.

Introduction to the role of a guest experience manager (GEM)

Also known as customer experience managers, these experts in customer satisfaction are integral to the hospitality industry. They focus on creating and maintaining exceptional experiences for guests throughout their stay. By blending operational management with personalized service, GEMs ensure every guest interaction is seamless, memorable and exceeds expectations. The position requires a deep understanding of guest needs, proactive problem solving and the ability to adapt to various situations.

Why is a guest experience manager important in today’s hospitality industry?

In today’s competitive hospitality landscape, where personalized and high-quality service can significantly influence reviews and guest loyalty, the role of GEMs has become more crucial than ever. They are the frontline ambassadors of a hotel’s brand, ensuring guests feel valued and receive tailored services that cater to their preferences and needs.

Key differences between a guest experience manager and customer service/relations manager

While both roles focus on guest satisfaction and require a customer-centric mindset, a guest experience manager takes a more holistic approach than a customer service/relations manager. GEMs are involved in every aspect of the guest journey, including initial booking, in-room experiences, amenities and special requests, whereas customer service managers typically address guest issues and complaints after they have been raised.

Core responsibilities and duties of guest experience managers

The basis of this role is overseeing the entire customer journey, ensuring guests have a flawless stay. This includes tasks such as:

  • Customer feedback analysis: gather and assess reviews from guests to understand their experiences, identify areas for improvement and implement changes to boost service quality
  • Digital engagement: monitoring and interacting on platforms such as social media, review sites and hotel websites. GEMs engage with guests online, addressing inquiries, feedback and complaints promptly to maintain a positive online reputation
  • Enhancing customization and personalized services: using guest data and preferences to tailor services and amenities, ensuring each guest feels looked after personally. This could involve special room arrangements, personalized welcome amenities or curated experiences
  • Communication between management and guests: acting as a liaison, ensuring guest feedback is communicated to the relevant departments and that any operational changes are made to improve guest satisfaction
  • Incorporating digitization: this includes using apps for easy check-ins, digital room keys, personalized digital communications and implementing guest service platforms that streamline requests and feedback

Qualifications needed

Customer experience management requires a combination of education, skills and experience tailored to the hospitality industry. If you want to become a GEM, it is helpful to ensure you have the skills and know-how outlined below.

Educational background and desirable degrees

A strong foundation in hospitality management, business administration or a related field greatly benefits aspiring guest experience managers. Many successful GEMs hold bachelor’s degrees in hospitality management, hotel administration, business management or tourism. These programs provide essential knowledge in guest relations, service management and operations, all critical areas that underpin effective guest experience management.

Advanced degrees such as a master of business administration (MBA) with a concentration in hospitality can offer a deeper understanding of strategic management, leadership and financial analysis, which are valuable for senior GEM positions or roles in larger hotel chains.

Become an expert in guest experience management

If you want to lead the way in guest experiences, our degree program will give you the skills and experience needed to reach the top.

Bachelor’s of hospitality management

Essential skills for success in the role

There is a wide range of skills that can help you succeed in guest experience management, such as:

  • Excellent communication skills: effectively engaging with guests, anticipating their needs and resolving issues promptly and courteously
  • Problem-solving abilities: strong analytical skills to assess situations quickly, identify solutions and implement effective resolutions to ensure guest satisfaction
  • Leadership and team management: leading by example to motivate, train and empower staff so they deliver exceptional guest experiences consistently
  • Attention to detail: GEMs must ensure every aspect of the guest’s stay is meticulously executed to increase satisfaction
  • Cultural sensitivity and adaptability: understanding and respecting cultural differences, effectively communicating with international guests and tailoring services accordingly
  • Technological proficiency: GEMs should be proficient in guest service platforms, reservation systems and customer relationship management software to streamline operations and improve guest interactions

Business acumen: understanding financial metrics, budgeting and revenue management principles can be beneficial. GEMs often collaborate with hotel management to develop strategies that optimize guest satisfaction while achieving financial goals

The path to becoming a guest experience manager

There is never one set route to a hospitality career, but certain things can help whichever one you take. Below, we’ll outline some of the steps you need to take to become a guest experience manager, career progression opportunities and factors influencing salary expectations.

Steps to enter the profession

If you want to become a GEM, some of the main things to consider are:

  • Gain experience in customer service: positions such as front office supervisor, guest relations coordinator or event manager provide valuable experience in managing guest experiences, building customer loyalty and handling diverse situations. This could be through work or as part of an internship
  • Specialization and certification: focus on areas such as revenue management or digital guest engagement to build your skill set
  • Research roles: look into the companies and jobs you are considering. This will help you find the right job placement for you and it will give you the best chance to succeed in the interview
  • Prepare for success: write a solid resumé and cover letter, highlighting your relevant skills, experience and interests. Make sure you have tailored this to the company you are applying to

Career progression opportunities and expectations

As you progress in your career as a guest experience manager, opportunities for growth and advancement are possible, for example:

  • Senior management roles: director of guest experience, regional manager or vice president of operations, overseeing multiple properties or regions
  • Corporate positions: roles in hotel management companies or hospitality groups, focusing on strategic guest experience initiatives, training programs or brand management
  • Entrepreneurship: opportunities to launch a consultancy specializing in guest experience management, leveraging your expertise and insights gained in the industry

Understanding salary expectations and factors influencing earning potential

As a guest experience manager, you could expect an annual salary of around $113,976, but this varies based on factors such as:

  • Experience and expertise: senior GEMs with a proven track record of improving guest satisfaction typically command higher salaries
  • Location: salaries may vary significantly depending on the region, with metropolitan areas generally offering higher compensation than rural locations
  • Employer and property size: large hotel chains or luxury resorts may offer more competitive salaries and additional benefits compared to smaller boutique properties
  • Industry demand: the need for skilled GEMs in high-growth hospitality markets can influence salary levels and job prospects
  • Additional benefits: such as health insurance, retirement plans, bonuses and perks (e.g., discounted or complimentary stays) can contribute to overall compensation packages

Challenges guest experience managers face

Before you start on the path to becoming a guest experience manager, it’s worth knowing about some of the difficulties that you might face in this career, such as:

  • Balancing personalization with efficiency: the role can be resource intensive and time consuming. GEMs have to balance providing special services and showing attention to the needs of individual customers against ensuring that all services are streamlined. This can be especially difficult during peak seasons
  • Managing guest expectations: customers often compare their experiences with other top-tier establishments. Meeting and exceeding these expectations requires creativity and proactive problem solving
  • Handling complaints: GEMs must resolve issues effectively, turning negative experiences into positive outcomes while maintaining professionalism and empathy
  • Navigating tech advancements: staying updated with rapid technological changes in the hospitality industry is challenging. GEMs need to adopt and master new tools to improve guest experiences and streamline operations
  • Ensuring team coordination: effective leadership, clear communication and robust training programs are essential to ensure that all staff know how to provide great customer experience
  • Adapting to cultural diversity: understanding and respecting diverse guest backgrounds, dietary restrictions and service expectations to create an inclusive environment
  • Coping with high-stress situations: the fast-paced nature of the hospitality industry can be stressful, especially during peak times or events. GEMs must manage multiple tasks, make quick decisions under pressure and maintain composure


Becoming a guest experience manager is ideal for those who want to combine their passion for hospitality with their commitment to excellence in customer service. As the hospitality industry evolves, the role of GEMs continues to grow in importance. They are not only responsible for ensuring seamless guest experiences but also for driving innovation, bringing in new technology and personalizing services to exceed guest expectations.

The path to becoming a GEM involves a strong educational background, developing key skills such as customer service excellence and leadership, gaining hands-on experience in guest-facing roles and continually adapting to industry trends.

For the ambitious GEM, there are also plenty of career progression options as well. If this sounds like your kind of career, a great place to start is with a hospitality degree from a renowned school such as Glion.

Master the art of guest experience management

Master the art of guest experience management

With experienced tutors and incredible internship opportunities, our program is the ideal preparation for a career as a guest experience manager

bachelor’s of hospitality management