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reasons to work in hospitality
reasons to work in hospitality

Top 5 reasons to work in the hospitality industry

How do I get started in hospitality?

Study at a Swiss hospitality management school like Glion that offers career-focused learning at both Bachelor’s and Master’s level.

Bachelor in Hospitality

Are you searching for your perfect career path? One that delivers personal and professional satisfaction, a chance to grow, and opportunities to work pretty much anywhere on Earth?

Hospitality is a vibrant and diverse industry that encompasses a wide range of businesses, including hotels, restaurants, resorts, cruise lines, casinos, event planning, and much more. It is an industry that revolves around providing exceptional customer service and creating memorable experiences for guests.
If you are wondering why you should choose the hospitality industry, here are the top five reasons that make it a rewarding and fulfilling choice.

Benefits of working in the hospitality industry

There are plenty of benefits to working in the hospitality and travel industry. Hospitality jobs offer a fast-paced and creative work environment where you will have the chance to grow and improve your skills. Aiming for a hospitality management career can lead to great experiences for people who thrive in proactive and energetic environments. Let’s look at our top five reasons to work in hospitality:

1. You’ll grow – as a person and as a professional.

Working in the hospitality business offers significant opportunities for personal and professional growth. Hospitality professionals are exposed to fast-paced business operations, developing soft skills such as customer service, communication, problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork.

These skills are key to a successful hospitality career. What’s more, they are fully transferable to other industries, allowing individuals to develop a well-rounded skill set that can open doors to different career paths.

Moreover, hospitality employers are known for providing extensive training programs, certifications, and advancement opportunities, allowing employees to progress in their careers and take on leadership roles. Just a few examples include Marriott University and Hilton Worldwide University.

Entry-level positions in the hospitality sector – such as front desk agents, restaurant servers, and housekeeping staff – are readily available to unqualified individuals looking to get on the first rung of the career ladder.

However, if you already possess a hospitality degree, you can set your sights on entering the industry at a more senior level, perhaps as part of a manager-in-training (MIT) or similar fast-track towards hospitality management careers.

Once inside the hotel business, there are ample opportunities for you to gain foundational skills and work your way up the career ladder.

For instance, a front desk agent in a hotel may progress to a supervisory role, followed by a management position, and eventually become a hotel manager or even a general manager.

Amid the industry’s ongoing ‘war for talent’, hotel companies are prioritizing internal promotions, providing employees with enhanced opportunities to advance rapidly within the same organization and find the best industries to work for within hospitality.

Last but not least, the hospitality industry is the most globally diverse of all, which means exciting job opportunities let you work in different locations and countries.

This allows you to gain international exposure, learn about different cultures, and expand your horizons. Such experiences accelerate personal and professional growth as you learn to adapt to different environments and work with diverse teams.

2. It offers a dynamic and fast-paced working environment

The hospitality sector is known for its fast-paced and dynamic nature, making it an exciting and challenging industry to work in.

Whether you are managing a restaurant during a busy dinner rush, overseeing hotel operations during a sold-out event, or coordinating a large-scale conference, you will experience a vibrant work environment that requires communication skills, multitasking, attention to detail and quick decision-making.

One of the unique aspects of the hospitality industry is that it exists to create memorable experiences for guests. This involves constantly seeking ways to exceed guest expectations and deliver exceptional customer service.

In such a customer-centric environment, hospitality professionals need to be proactive, responsive, and efficient in handling guest inquiries, while also resolving issues and managing unexpected situations.

This can be challenging but also highly rewarding, as you can witness the immediate impact of your efforts to create positive guest experiences.

It’s something that for many people makes a hospitality role so compelling.

Working in a dynamic environment promotes rapid professional growth, as individuals learn to think on their feet, handle stress, and adapt to changing situations.

It can be an exciting and invigorating experience, where no two days are the same, and new challenges and opportunities arise constantly.

3. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your creativity

The hospitality industry provides ample opportunities for creativity, allowing you to express your artistic flair and come up with innovative ideas.

From designing unique event themes and creating mouth-watering menus, to developing captivating marketing campaigns and crafting memorable guest experiences, the hospitality sector encourages creativity and innovation.

The best hospitality professionals have the capability to build close relationships with guests, to understand their preferences and needs and then create tailored experiences that exceed expectations.

This involves thinking creatively and coming up with innovative solutions to build unique and memorable experiences.

For instance, a hotel event planner may design an unconventional wedding theme based on a couple’s interests; or a restaurant manager can inspire his or her kitchen team to create a signature dish using local ingredients to showcase the flavors of the region.

In addition, the hospitality sector is constantly evolving, with customer tastes and preferences changing rapidly.

This is especially true in the luxury hospitality segment, and it requires hospitality professionals to stay updated with the latest innovations and come up with creative ways to keep ahead of the curve.

4. You’ll enjoy first-hand interactions with diverse people and cultures

The hospitality industry is a melting pot of different cultures, and working in this sector provides ample opportunities to interact with friendly people from diverse backgrounds.

Whether it’s serving guests from different countries, working with a team of employees from various cultural backgrounds, or planning events for clients with different traditions, the hospitality sector offers a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and enhance your intercultural fluency – an attribute which is much prized in today’s global workplace.

Aside from the professional benefits, interacting with diverse people and cultures can be incredibly enriching and rewarding, especially if you are a people person.

It allows individuals to learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of life, thus developing a global perspective. It also provides opportunities for building meaningful relationships with people from different walks of life, fostering tolerance, empathy, and understanding.

These intercultural experiences can enhance personal growth, boosting communication skills and empathy, which are both valuable qualities in any career and can open doors to new opportunities.

Furthermore, as the hospitality industry caters to a diverse range of guests, hotel management and employees work together to provide inclusive and welcoming environments that respect and appreciate the differences among individuals.

This ability to embrace diversity and create inclusive spaces is a valuable skill from a hospitality role that can be applied in numerous other industries and workplaces.

5. There’s so much potential for travel and adventure

If you have a passion for exploring new cultures, cuisines, and destinations, the hospitality sector provides a unique opportunity to combine your love for travel with your career. A lot of the time, when people are asked why they work in hospitality, this is one of the biggest draws.

Many jobs in hospitality, such as working in hotels, cruise lines, and resorts, have international experience built-in, as they offer amazing opportunities to travel to glamorous locations and live in different countries.

Working in an international setting can broaden your horizons, expose you to diverse perspectives, and allow you to develop the type of global mindset which is invaluable in today’s interconnected world.

Plus you’ll also get the chance to enjoy the beauty of the location, experience the local culture, and taste the best of the local cuisine!

Alternatively, you might choose a career as an international hospitality consultant, or a revenue manager covering a portfolio of hotel properties in various locations.

Traveling for work can be an exciting and enriching experience. It can also provide an opportunity for personal growth, as individuals learn to navigate unfamiliar environments, adapt to different cultures, and develop a global perspective.

For these more specialized hotel industry jobs, you may find your path to success is considerably smoother if you possess a degree in hospitality management.

Last but not least, for those who are adventurous and enjoy challenges, the hospitality sector delivers unique opportunities to work in remote locations, such as luxury lodges in national parks or resorts in secluded islands.

These exclusive destinations provide a sense of adventure and excitement, allowing you to immerse yourself in distinctive environments and create truly memorable experiences.

Educational requirements for a career in hospitality management

A career in hospitality management typically requires an education that combines practical skills with theoretical knowledge. While entry-level positions may be accessible with a high school diploma, advancing into management roles will often require at least a bachelor’s degree in hospitality management, hotel administration, or a related field.

Many universities and hospitality schools offer specialized programs covering hotel operations, event planning, and customer service skills.
You can also choose to pursue a master’s degree for higher-level positions to help you change your career, or to stand out in a competitive job market. Additionally, gaining hands-on experience through internships, part-time work, or cooperative education programs is highly valued in the hospitality industry.

When you are picking a course to study, it’s important to make sure that the syllabus for hospitality management is extensive enough to help you achieve your dream career. Be sure to check if the course includes an internship, where you can get real-world experience in hospitality jobs and hone your skills further.
On top of all this, you should be willing to work to constantly improve the essential skills for development in hospitality, such as communication, organization, and team leadership. You can do this through taking advanced courses or through career development conferences and networking.

Get started on the road to success with Glion

Our specially designed degrees will help give you all the skills you need to excel in hospitality management, with tuition from industry leaders and sought-after internship placements.

Bachelors in luxury business

Choose a fulfilling career in hospitality

A career in hospitality can offer an almost unlimited array of opportunities for personal and professional growth, a dynamic and fast-paced environment, opportunities for creativity, interactions with diverse people and cultures, and chances for travel and adventure.

These reasons alone make a hospitality role an attractive career choice for anyone who is passionate about delivering exceptional customer service, creating memorable experiences for guests, and thriving in a vibrant and diverse industry.

Whether you are just starting your career or looking to make a career change, the hotel industry and the wider hospitality and tourism industry have much to offer. They can provide a rewarding, fulfilling, and successful career path.

Learn more about hospitality careers

From the finance and luxury industries to hotel management, hospitality offers a broad career path. With all these different options, a career in hospitality may offer the perfect fit for you.

Hospitality Careers