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How tourism internships can boost your career
How tourism internships can boost your career

How tourism internships can boost your career

Almost a quarter of students in hospitality take an internship, but why? For a start, tourism internships offer invaluable opportunities to acquire hands-on practice, industry knowledge and professional networks that can significantly improve your career prospects. Due to the competitive nature of the tourism industry, gaining a foothold often requires more than just academic credentials, so the kind of practical experience an internship gives can genuinely set you apart from the crowd.

This article explores the numerous benefits of tourism internships, illustrating how they can be a stepping stone to a successful and fulfilling career. Whether you’re an aspiring student or a recent graduate, discover how internships can provide the skills and insights needed to thrive in this exciting, sought-after sector.

Different types of tourism internships available

Tourist work experience comes in all shapes and sizes, each being unique opportunities to gain practical insights into the industry. Understanding what’s available can help you choose the path that best aligns with your career goals and interests. Some common types of internships include:

  • Hotel and resort: provide exposure to various departments such as front desk operations, housekeeping, food and beverage services and guest relations. This type of internship is ideal for gaining a comprehensive understanding of hospitality management and the day-to-day operations of a hotel or resort
  • Travel agency: learn about travel planning, customer service and sales. Interns assist in creating itineraries, booking accommodation, transportation and handling client inquiries, perfect for those interested in becoming travel consultants or agents
  • Tour operator: planning and organizing tours, working with local guides and ensuring a seamless experience for tourists. The role offers insights into the logistics of tour management and the opportunity to develop strong organizational and communication skills
  • Destination management company: promoting and managing tourism to a specific location. Interns may work on marketing campaigns, event planning or partnership development with local businesses
  • Event planning: organizing events such as conferences, weddings and festivals. Interns gain experience in project management, vendor coordination and client relations
  • Cruise line: a unique opportunity to work on board a tourist ship, gaining experience in guest services, entertainment and hospitality and exposure to a varied and multicultural work environment
  • Eco-tourism and sustainable tourism: focused on promoting environmentally responsible travel. Responsibilities may include conducting research, developing eco-friendly tour packages and educating tourists about sustainability practices
  • Cultural and heritage tourism: working with museums and other institutions to help create educational programs, conduct tours and promote cultural heritage
  • Adventure tourism: working with companies offering activities such as trekking, scuba diving and wildlife safaris. Interns assist in planning and leading adventure tours, ensuring safety and improving the guest experience

Internships in hospitality degrees

Hospitality schools aim to give students first-hand exposure to the reality of the industry through work placements, preparing them for successful careers after graduation. Most are scheduled during the latter part of the degree program, while others are during the first year to help students gain industry exposure. Internships allow students to apply theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios, develop essential skills such as customer service and event management and build professional networks in the industry.

By gaining valuable industry experience and understanding operational challenges, students boost their employability and gain insights into various hospitality career paths, helping them find the role that suits them best. Faculty often supervise these internships to ensure they align with academic objectives and provide sufficient educational credit towards the degree program.

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Boost your hospitality career prospects

Benefits of pursuing an internship in the tourism industry

Structured work experience offers numerous advantages that can significantly improve your career prospects. We’ll discuss some of the main reasons to consider undertaking an internship or placement below.

Gaining practical experience and skills

Working in real-world settings allows you to develop the practical skills you need for the tourism industry. Internships are essential for developing a wide range of soft skills too that are also crucial for success in the hospitality industry, such as:

  • Customer service skills: direct interaction with guests allows you to improve your ability to provide excellent service, handle complaints and ensure guest satisfaction
  • Effective communication skills: working in a professional environment improves your ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, superiors and customers
  • Problem-solving skills: internships often present unexpected challenges that require quick thinking to find effective solutions
  • Technical skills: you will become familiar with industry-specific software and technology
  • Time management: handling multiple different tasks at once and making sure everything is done on time

Networking and professional development

Interacting with industry professionals, from front-line staff to senior managers, and gaining insights and advice that can guide your career in hospitality. Building these relationships can lead to mentorship opportunities, job referrals and valuable industry connections. Many companies prefer to hire from within their pool of interns, providing a direct pathway to full-time employment. Engaging in professional development activities, such as attending industry conferences and workshops, further improves your knowledge and visibility in the sector.

Understanding global cultural diversity

The tourism industry is inherently multicultural and internships will frequently expose you to diverse cultures and practices. Whether you’re working in a local hotel or an international travel agency, you’ll interact with guests and colleagues from various backgrounds. Learning to appreciate and adapt to different cultural norms and expectations makes you a better professional, improves your career prospects and enriches your personal life.

Real-world application of academic knowledge

Internships provide a valuable opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom to real-world scenarios. This helps bridge the gap between academic concepts and their practical use, while deepening your understanding of the hospitality industry. You gain experience in business operations, making decisions and applying theoretical principles in day-to-day operations.

Better employability

Having internship experience on your resumé significantly boosts your chance of getting a job. Employers in the hospitality industry value practical experience highly and candidates who have completed internships are often seen as more prepared and capable. It also demonstrates your commitment to the industry.

Career exploration

Internships offer a unique opportunity to experience different areas in the tourism industry. Whether you’re interested in tourism, hotel management event planning or food and beverage services, internships allow you to try out various hospitality career roles and determine which area suits you best. This can help you decide your career path after graduation.

Increased confidence

Successfully navigating the challenges of an internship can boost your self-confidence and prepare you for the demands of a full-time position in the hospitality industry. This can improve your performance and future roles and contribute to your overall career success.

How to find the right tourism internship for you

Landing the perfect internship requires a clear understanding of your career goals and interests, coupled with thorough research. Below is a handy guide to help you navigate this process.

Identifying your career goals and interests

Start by defining your job aspirations and areas that appeal to you about the tourism industry. Consider the following questions:

  • What are your long-term career goals?
  • Which areas of tourism excite you the most?
  • What skills do you want to develop?

By answering these, you can focus your search on internships that will provide relevant experience and help you achieve your professional objectives.

Researching and selecting destinations

Once you clearly understand your goals and interests, it’s time to research potential locations for your internship by:

  • Exploring different places: the vast tourism industry has many international internship opportunities. Decide whether you would prefer to stay local, explore a different country or work in a specific type of environment, such as urban, rural or coastal settings
  • Researching organizations: look into various companies, hotels, resorts, travel agencies and tour operators that offer internships. Read reviews, visit their websites and check their internship programs to understand what they offer and what their work culture is like
  • Using internship platforms: websites such as Indeed, LinkedIn and specialized tourism job boards can be valuable resources for finding internship listings. You an also try talking to your school’s career advisors
  • Attending career fairs and networking events: participate in industry-related events to meet employers and learn about potential internship opportunities
  • Considering the logistics: such as visa requirements, accommodation options, cost of living and language barriers. Make sure the destination you choose is feasible


Tourism internships offer invaluable opportunities for students and recent graduates to kickstart their careers in the competitive tourism industry. By providing hands-on experience, professional skills and networking opportunities, internships bridge the gap between academic learning and professional practice.

The practical insights gained through internships boost employability and help individuals discover their strengths and interests in the tourism sector. Aspiring professionals who embark on tourism internships gain a competitive edge in the job market and lay a solid foundation for a successful and fulfilling career. If you’re interested in carrying out an internship, see how a hospitality course can help with such a placement and advance your career.

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